Editorial Wandel, Evolution, Fortschritt – Beschreibung, Bewertung und Steuerung von Prozessen in Natur, Technik, Kultur und Gesellschaft, with Felix Frey/Christian Fröhlich/Stephanie Garling/Enrico Thomas, in: Arbeitstitel 1.1. (2009), DOI: https://doi.org/10.36258/aflp.v1i1.3180 .
2005‑2009 spokesperson for the Leipziger Stipendiatennetzwerk (Leipzig Network of Student and PhD fellows) with several community engagement projects such as the „StattGarten“ created in 2007 and a fundraising campaign to restore the statue of Felix-Mendelssohn-Bartholdy in front of St. Thomas Church which was destroyed by the Nazis; organization of a great concert of French composers in March 2006 with more than 500 guests