
In the studio of Leipzig University with Nadja Braun, Mareike Greb, Katharina Krauel and students producing the audio guide for the Egyptian Museum

I have done numerous talks, guided tours in museums, excursions, interviews and served as chairperson and moderator of scholarly and public events. Contact me for details and if to wish to book me as a speaker. Find me online here:

My profile on Women Also Know History

I also have a profile on Femconsult

Speeches and Lectures

Sunoikisis Digital Classics

Since 2017 I’m a returning lecturer an international online class focussing on different areas of Digital Humanities with a focus on Classics, organized by chiefly Monica Berti and Gabriel Bodard, check out the syllaboi here. The class is a wonderful experience – so much too learn and a wonderful opportunity to engage with colleagues and students all over the globe. I can only encourage colleagues to integrate the classes in their local curricula.

  • SunoikisisDC, fall semester 2020, Nov 26, Translation-Technologies (together with Chiara Palladino, hosted by Monica Berti, Gabriel Bodard and Polina Yordanova)
  • SunoikisisDC summer semester 2021, July 15 + 22 (together with Rita Lucarelli and Susanne Töpfer)
  • YouTube Link will follow afterwards, more here on the GitHub page.

Audioguide for the Egyptian Museum Leipzig

3D models of ancient artefacts on Sketchfab

The Digital Rosetta Stone Project

In the Media (Selection)

Press photos