- [April 2024] April 15 will bring a public presentation of the DIKUSA project at the SLUB in Dresden. Looking forward to share the research – and afterwards, we will discuss further research potentials in an internal setting. A full day of research ahead!
- [March 2024] My TED talk is live! Very proud of this and the team effort, since the director Tim Rauch won an Emmy with Barack and Michelle Obama for „We The People“ on Netflix. See the video here on Ted-Ed’s youtube channel and the lesson here. There has been quite some media coverage, see a selection on the Outreach section here.
- [March 2024] Once more, I will teach in South Africa (Stellenbosch University) and give talks and go with the students on excursion to Iziko Museums. Also very happy to attend my first non-German graduation ceremony!
- [January 2024] This month brings the kick-off of a blog series on the DIKUSA project. Here is the link of my own contribution, six more are to follow in February until early April.
- [December 2023] I was very honored to be part of a German delegation of the Saxon Academy of Science and Humanites in Prague – we agreed on further projects and conferences.
- [November 2023] The annual SBL/AAR meeting in San Antonio was kind of a knightly accolade for me – a celebration of my dissertation about the Sortes Astrampsychi more than a decade ago – and current research. I was able to contribute my new editions of two Greek papyri and an overview of current research.
- [November 2023] I’m happy to announce that I’m a member of the newly found DFG research network Wort – Wirkung – Wunder: Sprache und Macht in der Vormoderne zwischen Religion, Magie und Medizin/ Working Wonders with Words – bringing in my expertise about magic at the intersection with divination and in creating digital exhibitions as a way of securing knowledge transfer of the meeting of the experts
- [October 2023] I have been appointed a member of the Beirat of SAVE – Sicherung des audiovisuellen Erbes in Sachsen at SLUB Dresden.
- [September 2023] Prime time for me – my Historikertag, and with a panel on Wismut and Digital Humanities. In February 2024, a report is published here: Franziska Naether / Silvio Dittrich, Tagungsbericht: HT 2023: Fragile Fakten verfügbar machen: Die „Wismut“ – multidisziplinäre Forschung über den Uranbergbau und dessen Folgen (1947–2020), In: H-Soz-Kult, 10.02.2024, <www.hsozkult.de/conferencereport/id/fdkn-141668>.
- [August 2023] After I had 8(!) different publishers/series interested in publishing my habilitation thesis, work continued turning it into a book. In 2023, I’ve checked new literature (e.g. at the Americal School of Classical Studies in Athens, ASCSA) and worked on the suggestions of the numerous comments of the reviewers.
- [April 2023] I have been appointed as fellow of the Minerva Center for the Relations between Israel and Aram in Biblical Times
- [April 2023] New DH project funded for three years – on dance in the GDR, trying out a couple of new methods, together with Leipzig University, Press release
- [March 2023]: Teaching and Research in Stellenbosch – trying a couple of new tools in 3D modelling
- [Jan 2023]: A small DH project on church history in the GDR creating a new knowledge base received funding!
- [March/April 2022]: It’s good to be back for teaching and research in Stellenbosch – with a field trip to Pretoria/Tshwane!
- [Jan 2022]: The PUDEL project was approved – more funding, 2 new colleagues!
- [Dec 2021]: The DIKUSA Project received funding – 1,4 Mio EUR, around 30 new colleagues!
- [Oct. 2021]: Very happy to announce that my postion has been made permanent – I’m tenured at the Saxon Academy of Sciences and Humanities!
- [April 28, 2021]
Ich lade herzlich zu meiner Antrittsvorlesung im Rahmen des Habilitationsvorhabens ein! Das ist der krönende Abschluss eines langen Karriereschritts.
Der öffentliche, allgemein verständliche Vortrag „Spiel am Nil: Senet, Würfel & Co.“ findet am Mittwoch, den 28. April 15:00-16:30 Uhr in Zoom statt. Es geht um antike Spiele bis hin zum modernen Gaming.
I cordially invite you to the final step in my Habilitation process –
the „Antrittsvorlesung“. It is an exam and a public lecture (in German).
It will be about Egyptian board games („Spiel am Nil: Senet, Würfel &
Date: Wednesday, April 28, 2021
Time: 15-16:30 or 3 pm GMZ-2 (which is e.g. at 9 am Eastern time; check your time zone here:
Bitte PM für den Link/Please PM me for the link.
Leider gibt’s danach keine Drinks und Buffet, aber ich empfehle, ein Getränk nach Wahl bereit zu stellen.
There won’t be any catering or drinks for the locals afterwards because of the pandemic, but this way, people from anywhere in the world could join. I encourage to have the beverage of your choice next to your

- [April 2021] After teaching in Berkeley and Stellenbosch, I’m looking forward to two Egyptological sessions in SunoikisisDC with my colleagues Rita Lucarelli and Susanne Töpfer. More here. Meanwhile, I graded an excellent intern’s work who worked on Semantic MediaWikis in historical disciplines and will do a couple of reviews for articles, projects and theses.
- [Feb. 2021] I taught a couple of classes and gave some talks over the fall/winter term of the Northern hemisphere. You can re-watch a public talk about Egyptian oracles and divination here (in German). This is the second talk of the AEGYPTIACA series of the Egyptological Institute and Egyptian Museum in Leipzig, which is all about rituals this year. Check out our program „Rituale und Kult in Tempel, Haus und Grab“ here.
- [Nov. 2020] I created my first digital exhibition! It’s called „Aller guten Dinge sind drei: Der Stein von Rosette und die Entzifferung des Ägyptischen“, published on November 17, 2020 on the portal of the Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek. The main goal was to try out open source software – in this case DDBstudio, a customized version of Omeka. There are a „making of“ and some conclusions in my blog entry for the KompetenzwerkD website here.
UPDATE: As of February 2021, the English version is now available, too.
- [July 2020] My colleagues and I wrote a blog post on tools for video conferencing. We are clearly fans of open source tools. You can read the review here (in German). We also updated a list on digital tools [Nov. 2020], dubbed „Working in times of Corona„.