I have done numerous talks, guided tours in museums, excursions, interviews and served as chairperson and moderator of scholarly and public events. Contact me for details and if to wish to book me as a speaker. Find me online here:
My profile on Women Also Know History
I also have a profile on Femconsult
Speeches and Lectures
- Ted-Ed talk March 14, 2024: „Why was the Rosetta Stone so important? – Franziska Naether„
See also here and the lesson here, plus a review here and here. Leipzig University and SAW Leipzig reported extensively on their news and social media outlets.
- Lange Nacht der Wissenschaft 2023 – some photos and a report about our live re-enactment of the Sortes Astrampsychi oracle
- Speech for the newly inaugurated fellows of Germany’s university stipends (Deutschlandstipendien), Bibliotheca Albertina 2016 (in German)
- Leipzig University, Studium Universale, lecture, Dec 4, 2019 „Strohfeuer statt Leuchttürme? Spitzenforschung an Universitäten zwischen Befristung und Burnout“ (together with Stefanie Wiemer)
- Guest lecture at the Bibliotheca Albertina Leipzig, Papyrus and Ostraca Collection, Oct 20, 2020 (in German): „Jobsuche, Gerichtsprozesse, Partnerwahl. Wie man Probleme im römischen Ägypten löste„
Sunoikisis Digital Classics
Since 2017 I’m a returning lecturer an international online class focussing on different areas of Digital Humanities with a focus on Classics, organized by chiefly Monica Berti and Gabriel Bodard, check out the syllaboi here. The class is a wonderful experience – so much too learn and a wonderful opportunity to engage with colleagues and students all over the globe. I can only encourage colleagues to integrate the classes in their local curricula.
- SunoikisisDC, spring semester 2017, Digital Egyptology (hosted by Monica Berti)
- SunoikisisDC, spring semester 2018, The Digital Rosetta Stone Project (together with Miriam Amin, Monica Berti, and Josephine Hensel, hosted by Monica Berti)
- SunoikisisDC, spring semester 2019, Digital Methods and Ancient Magic (together with Gabriel Bodard, hosted by Monica Berti)
- SunoikisisDC, fall semester 2020, Nov 26, Translation-Technologies (together with Chiara Palladino, hosted by Monica Berti, Gabriel Bodard and Polina Yordanova)
- SunoikisisDC summer semester 2021, July 15 + 22 (together with Rita Lucarelli and Susanne Töpfer)
- YouTube Link will follow afterwards, more here on the GitHub page.
Audioguide for the Egyptian Museum Leipzig
3D models of ancient artefacts on Sketchfab
- my own account to try out things
- Egyptian Museum Leipzig, Leipzig University (models created with students for the special exhibition „Bekriegt. Besetzt. Bereichert.“ – press report about this [MDR]
- Iziko Museum Cape Town, joint project with students from Stellenbosch University – report about this on SketchFab – one 3D model was even selected for a codumentary of the BBC!
The Digital Rosetta Stone Project
- Project Website
- invited participant at the Feierliche Immatrikulation Leipzig 2019, Gewandhaus (check out the video from minute 33:00)
- exclusive press report by MDR; more press coverage here
- some museums are using our 3D model now for replicas – get in touch if you’re interested!
In the Media (Selection)
- This is a long interview I gave in Oct. 2019 the smart kids from Radio Corax on Egyptian deities and the phenomena of „Rauhnächte“.
- On the find of mummified lion cups in Saqqara, Nov 2019, MDR
- On the Egyptian queen Hatshepsut, MDR, July 2017
- On academic positions/Zukunftsvertrag, interview with luhze in April 2020
- On tenure track positions, interview with detektor.fm in April 2015